Magic Painting

Create a magic potion to reveal hidden images in pictures.

You will need:

  • Cartridge paper
  • Black permanent marker pen
  • White wax crayons
  • Water
  • Powder paint or crushed water colour paint
  • Glitter (optional)
  • Magical looking bottles/pots/jars (optional)
  • Small plastic cauldron or plastic cup
  • Paint brushes

What to do:

  1. In advance, draw pictures onto the cartridge paper, either creating your own designs or tracing the designs from the template.  Draw anything you want to be visable initially in marker pen and everything you want to be concealled in wax crayon.  If desired put the magic ingredients (water, paint and glitter) into bottles or jars.
  2. Mix the potion in the cauldron or cup.  Add invisible ink (water) to the cauldron then sprinkle in powdered rainbows (paint) stirring with the magic wand (paint brush) until the water has become strongly coloured by the paint but still very watery.  If desired add a pinch of fairy dust (glitter).
  3. Using the magic wand spread the magic painting potion over the painting to reveal the hidden image.


Magic Painting Template

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